I hate potty training! Really, I HATE it! It’s almost as bad as changing a stinky two-year-old.

Natalie will be turning TWO at the end of October. I bought a small potty for her a few months ago and then a potty seat that fits on a big toilet too. I like the potty seat much better. (Mess wise) And Natalie likes being a big girl, and sitting on the “big” potty!

When I started this whole process, apparently I thought it was going to be a breeze. You know, sit her on the potty a few times and BAM, no more diapers!

Needless to say, that’s NOT how it happened. Every time I sit her on the potty, she wants to pull out all the toilet paper or she wants the treat – anything but peeing on the potty!


She does pee on the potty some, but most of the time she waits until I take her off the potty and then she pees in her pants! And then she says “potty!”

The hardest part has been being consistent and constantly sitting her on the potty WHILE wrangling a 6 month old baby too!

Here are a few tips that can help make potty training easier and less stressful for parents and children.


Mom Blog, Have Sippy Will Travel, Shares Useful Tips 

  • Location, Location, Location – Make sure to put the training potty where the child will feel warm and secure. Try to create a location that help reduce the number of “halfway there” accidents, too!
  • Consistency is Key – If the children are being potty trained at home, then they should also be going through training at school and with the babysitter.  Sticking to the same routine in different locations with different people will help them get into the routine much quicker.
  • It’s All About the Rewards – A little treat, such as an M&M, a fruit snack or a sticker chart are all great rewards that will go a long way for a toddler.
  • Make a Game of It – Potty training doesn’t have to be an arduous time.  Put drops of blue food dye into the potty bowl and let them have fun with seeing it change color to “green”. For boys, throw a couple of Cheerios in the bowl for them to aim at.
  • Stay Positive – The last thing you want is for them to feel bad. Any pressure or ill feelings may cause resistance.
  • Keep it Regular – A great way to increase regularity and reduce constipation is to give them a probiotic supplement1 <#_edn1> . It doesn’t give the potty trainee the chance to “hold” it in, but yet is sensitive on his/her little tummy. Vidazorb® Belly Boost is a chewable tablet that tastes delicious and doesn’t require refrigeration. Children love it!
  • Lots of Fluids – Water and juice – not soda and other sugary drinks – will help them stay regular want to potty. Prune juice would be especially helpful.

“Seek out help from other parents or check out online communities, such as mom blogs, where topics like this are regular conversation. It is easier for parents to deal with potty training woes if they can share a trying experience or funny episode with others in the same boat.”

So, those of you “in the same boat”, HELP ME! Any other tips for me?? When will this be through?? I will have another one ready to be potty trained soon!!