This week was a much better week than the past 2 weeks! I worked more and I had a really great day of Plyometrics (which Tony Horton will tell you “Plyo is the X in P90X!”). My legs and butt were SO sore for days!


I had a baby shower on Saturday and ate a ton of bad, fattening food and throughout the week I haven’t been strictly sticking to my diet but I do pay attention to what kind of things I’m eating and HOW MUCH of it I eat!

Since I have officially hit my “goal weight” I am trying to focus on toning muscle and making wholesome choices. Drinking water has been really hard for me but I think I’ve done really well. If there is anything else to drink in the house, I WILL drink it! So it’s best if I don’t buy any cokes or any kind of sugary drinks period although I do have a glass of orange juice with breakfast everyday!

McDonald’s is committed to giving us more delicious choices to feel good about in the months and years to come. Regardless of your dietary needs, you’ll find nutrient-minded choices at McDonald’s.

Through the McDonald’s “Made For You” cooking system, you can special order various menu items to help meet your nutritional needs. A range of serving sizes make it easy to create meal combinations that work for you and your family.

However you are planning on lightening your load this year, set your goal NOW and get started!


Follow McDonald’s Atlanta on Twitter @McDonaldsATL and check out their website for real-time promos and meal ideas and how to make the most of your McDonald’s experience.

McDonald’s partnered with bloggers such as me to participate in its “Wholesome Choices” Blogger Program.  As part of that program, I received compensation.  They did not tell me what to purchase or what to say about the products used, and believe that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. McDonald’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, FTC guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.