Guest Post

As one-half of the NEW Glasers and as a marketing guru for – I can tell you that shopping online usually boasts better deals than shopping at retail stores… but I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m a newlywed. When my husband and I got hitched, we combined not only our lives but our budgets […]

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Okay, so it’s not really top secret – it’s a free website called Three months after having my doll baby I was not incredibly happy with my figure. I had only managed to lose 20 of the 40 pounds I had gained during my pregnancy. Since I am breastfeeding (and training for my first […]

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My 2-year old is hungry, so I open the fridge and let him choose a snack. He heads right for the fruit drawer, and grabs an orange. I smile, and peel him the orange, cut it up into bite-size pieces. He eats the whole thing. But, it’s not just oranges… “More broc! More broc!” is heard […]

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