Potty training has been such a roller coaster for us. One day she does really well and the next day she doesn’t want to have anything to do with it. 95% of the time when I ask her if she needs to go potty, the answer is NO! But most of the time even if she says no, I can persuade her to go towards the bathroom. And then other times you have to drag her kicking and screaming.

My youngest, who is one, wears the same size diapers, so Natalie has days where she won’t even wear her pull-ups. She says “no I baby” and wants to wear a diaper. On the other hand my youngest seems very interested in potty training. They each have a potty so she likes to sit on the little potty while Natalie tries to go.


I guess I thought by now we would be on a more regular potty schedule. I started giving Natalie an e-sticker each time she uses the potty which has really seemed to help motivate her! I’ve been using the iGo Potty app on my phone which keeps the stickers/potty breaks on a chart and opens up game once you have earned 9 stars.

The Pull-Ups website has a Big Kid Timer to remind you when it’s time for a potty break. However it’s only available on your computer which doesn’t help me any since our office with our computer is in the basement where I can’t see it. An iPhone/iPad app would be ideal.

I just recently found out that Pull-Ups has a new Potty Timer which is like a watch that the kids wear that plays a tone, vibrates, lights up and can be programmed with a message to remind them when it’s time to potty! It’s available online for $14.99.

potty timer watch

If your kids are a fan of Mater or Cinderella, you can also get a special call from them to help encourage your child. It’s free! Just select the date and time you wish to receive the call. Here’s a video of Natalie and Haley getting a call from Cinderella….

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Pull-Ups. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.