
Welcome to Project 52. One theme, one photo, once a week. Simple. I’ve been waiting all week for these tulips in my yard to bloom. They’ve been hidden, but we had a ton of rain lately, and they finally decided to bust open! I’m rebranding my photography business. I broke down and decided to use […]

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Welcome to Project 52. One theme, one photo, once a week. Simple. We were hit by an ice storm here in Georgia, so I didn’t take very many themed pictures this week. All the falling trees took out the powerlines so we’ve been out of power, but luckily had no real damage to the house or […]

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Welcome to Project 52. One theme, one photo, once a week. Simple. It was such a busy week! I had a ladies game night with blogger buddies, I had a date night with my hubby (we played trivia and won!), and we took a trip to the Georgia Aquarium to check out the new Aquanaut Adventure […]

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Welcome to Project 52! One theme, one photo, once a week. Simple. I’m not gonna lie, I’m thrilled to be done with my Project 365. Although, it really did force me to use my camera every. single. day. All week I’ve had that panicky feeling, like I need to pick up my camera and shoot something! […]

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