Month: August 2011

This weeks photo challenge theme at Project Alicia is BUBBLES!! I wanted to try out the oil and water mixture technique to get some really cool pictures! Then I decided to add in some food coloring for a nice effect! My fancy set up: my kitchen sink! For more Wordless Wednesdays and to link up […]

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I’m linking up with Lolo and Tara this week for Pin It Tuesday! These pictures were NOT taken by me, these are my favorite finds that I pinned this week! If you have tried Pinterest before, you should check it out! Follow me on Pinterest or request an invite! Pinterest is a virtual pinboard. Pinterest […]

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I debated for a long time on which camera to choose. I was having a hard time choosing between the Nikon and the Canon. I have no doubt that both the Nikon D5100 and the Canon Rebel EOS T3i are both great cameras and will take marvelous pictures. I think it really comes down to […]

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