Month: January 2012

Haley (or Hay-lers as we often call her) is getting so big! (9 months!)  It’s so cute now that she can crawl and chase her big sister! They will have so much fun growing up together! These pictures aren’t the best quality pictures. Just my little girl being cute! I wish the first one had […]

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There is something I LOVE about a hidden passage. If, I mean, When I get rich and finally build my own house… there will totally be awesome secret hidden passageways! 🙂 Source: via Amy on Pinterest Source: via Amy on Pinterest Source: via Amy on Pinterest Source: via Amy on Pinterest […]

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This year I plan to… Blog more about food and share delicious recipes! Finally post my video tutorial on hair bow making. Create more crafts and share them with you! Still hold regular giveaways, but be more selective with the ones I choose to share. Spend LESS time blogging – and by that I mean, […]

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