Month: January 2012

Rafflecopter is looking for a name for their mascot!! You’ve all seen the Rafflecopter smiley-face dude. All you have to do to have the chance at winning a 16GB iPad 2 is suggest a name. After the giveaway is over, we’ll go through the list of names and pick out our favorite suggestions (be creative!) and […]

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Coming soon, I will be posting a crockpot recipe EVERYDAY for 30 days! With the help from my hubby, we will be testing out new crockpot recipes, perfecting them, and sharing them with you! If you know of some crockpot recipes I could try or a great website I could check out, please leave me […]

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YES, I’m publicly posting my actual weight. I did this after I had Natalie in October 2009 and lost 60lbs and even won a Skinny B*tch award. I started out at 210lbs after I had Natalie. Luckily I didn’t gain as much weight with this pregnancy and I’ve already lost some baby weight but I’m […]

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