unwanted advice

I CAN NOT stand people trying to give me unwanted parenting advice. I hate how some people feel the need to share their vast wealth of knowledge and give you their unsolicited advice or opinion on pregnancy, birth, or parenting. Family members and close friends are a different story. But a complete stranger! Someone who knows NOTHING about my girls or me for that matter.

Oh and there’s nothing worse than getting “advice” from someone who doesn’t even have children!! Views on how we should raise our kids CHANGE after you give birth to your first child! And often, they change again once you have a second child.

I whole-heartedly believe every child is different and every parent needs their own way of handling their situations. What works for one, may not be the best solution for another.

There are all types of parenting styles –Attachment Parenting, Authoritative Parenting, Indulgent Parenting– And while they are all different, I don’t believe any of them are necessarily wrong or right. Certain styles work better for some children than others and NO ONE knows that better than their mother!

I’m not going to say I’ve never given unwanted advice because I’m sure I have. But NEVER to a complete stranger. I think some people need to learn when to bite their tongue when it’s not their place.

thanks but no thanks

I truly don’t understand why women are so evil to each other. No matter what choice you make, there is always going to be a judgmental b*tch there  to tell you that you should be doing something differently.

When dealing with unwanted advice, I typically just try to ignore it but I also don’t feel the need to explain MY choices about MY children to a complete stranger. I consider myself appropriately defensive when it comes to my kids.

I understand that knowing my daughters name and seeing ONE picture of her makes you an expert on what MY childs needs but we’re doing just fine. K thanks!

Have you been on the receiving end (or giving) of unwanted advice? I try to remember that these people are usually just trying to be helpful however it does boil my blood sometimes! How do you handle it???