Month: October 2012

My oldest just turned 3 years old on Monday! We’ve been doing lots of fun things all week including visiting Stone Mountain Park for their annual Pumpkin Festival! Here’s just a few out of the 411 photos I took on our trip last Friday!

The Confederate Memorial Carving at Stone Mountain is considered the largest high relief sculpture in the world!
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Natalie’s first time on a rope swing!
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The SkyHike for the younger kids
Me and my girls
One of the many games
View of the SkyRide – We rode that to get up the mountain (I did NOT walk and carry two toddlers up it!)
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Haley entertaining herself on the train with a juice box
View from the top
Close up of the carving from the train


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I have a passion for photography. I may not be a marvelous photographer (yet!) but it’s something I enjoy! I told you before I wanted to get back into posting about things I enjoy, so stick around for some fun photography related posts.   I’m an instagram junkie… Follow Me!! – Username: marv_amy …………………………….. Please […]

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