Month: May 2015


Welcome to Project 52. One theme, one photo, once a week. Simple. I had lunch yesterday with my good friend, Brandi. She took these pictures of me, but I set the camera so it still counts, right? When she started taking pictures, I started singing the song playing in the restaurant. Which was followed by… […]

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My family spent the week before Mother’s Day on St. George Island in Florida with my husband’s mother and aunt. This was our first time visiting St. George. It’s about 400 miles from us. Natalie had a blast with this kite. This was her first time flying one. Best $1 ever spent! My husband did a […]

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Cakes, Cookies and Cupcake Recipes

Thanks for joining us again at the weekly Create Link Inspire link-up party! We had almost 500 entries last week! Link up your recipes, crafts, organization ideas, DIY projects, sewing tips, home decor ideas… anything creative that you’ve come up with! Make sure you check out the awesome Cakes, Cookies and Cupcake Recipes from last weeks […]

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