Month: May 2015

Welcome to Project 52.

One theme, one photo, once a week. Simple.


I had a tough week. I really wanted to get a family photo, but it wasn’t happening this week. I’m sharing this photo of my daughter (see, still family themed) that I meant to share last week.

Natalie_LAST Day_WEB

My oldest graduated Pre-Kindergarten last week. You can read the Pre-K interview we did before the school year started here. Not much has changed.

End of the Year Interview

  • I’m feeling: Excited about Kindergarten
  • Favorite Color: Purple
  • Favorite Animal: Parrot
  • Favorite Food: Strawberries
  • Favorite Drink: Coke
  • Favorite Book: Wizard of Oz
  • Favorite TV Show: Paw Patrol
  • At school, I really liked: Tent Center
  • At school, I didn’t like: Rock Center

When I grow up, I want to be a: TEACHER

Natalie_First Day of School

My favorite photo for this weeks theme is from my co-host Angie. I love the bright pops of color.

This Weeks Theme:


Next Weeks Theme:


I will be co-hosting this link up with Sarah and Angie each week for 52 whole weeks! Follow me on Instagram and feel free to join us using the hashtag: #Project52Photos

Here are the themes for each week.

Project52Feel free to join us at any time! And grab our button and share, so others will join too.
Project 52 Button _ 200px

Come back next Friday and link up your “light” photo.

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Welcome to Project 52. One theme, one photo, once a week. Simple. For the nature theme this week, I am using these pretty flowers that are in my yard. I also took a picture of the sunrise and sunset this week. One photo was taken with an iPhone 6 and one was taken with my […]

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St George Island

St George Island is consistently rated as one of the top beaches in the United States, and one of the best places to vacation. I can see why! We went in May (the week before Mother’s Day) which is the slow season anyway, but everyone and everything on the island is so calm and laid-back. Located just […]

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DIY Paper Flowers

Thanks for joining us again at the weekly Create Link Inspire link-up party! We had almost 500 entries last week! Link up your recipes, crafts, organization ideas, DIY projects, sewing tips, home decor ideas… anything creative that you’ve come up with! Features: You could be featured here next week! Katie and I will share a few of our FAVORITE […]

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