
I couldn’t decide on which picture to post so I posted all of them! 🙂 Poochie… my parents dog Our Angel Fish My NEW camera bag!! {Squeal!} Natalie being cute… and messy as always! Field of flowers at my parents house… The crazy raccoon that comes EVERY NIGHT to eat the leftover cat food Baby […]

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We have decided to turn our two car garage into a game room! I will be posting before and after pictures once we’re through but here’s a little sneak peak… We painted one wall with a huge chalkboard… We added padding to the entire floor… We also added new electrical plugs into the walls. Natalie […]

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This weeks photo challenge theme at Project Alicia is BUBBLES!! I wanted to try out the oil and water mixture technique to get some really cool pictures! Then I decided to add in some food coloring for a nice effect! My fancy set up: my kitchen sink! For more Wordless Wednesdays and to link up […]

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We got a new patio set from the dump the other day for FREE! This guy had bought a new one and was just throwing away his old one! It’s not perfect but marvelous to me! For more Wordless Wednesdays and to link up your own visit Wordless Wednesday HQ, 5 Minutes For Mom, Jolly […]

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