
i_hate_doctors_teeI told you before about how my doctor is a jerk!! And now I know he’s an idiot too! He’s one of those doctors that can’t stand to be in the room for longer than 5 minutes. And he never listens to what I have to say about my progress or to my questions!

At my last visit, I was told we would probably remove my stitches.  I was also told this the visit before that too, so I really never know what to expect.

Immediately when I get there, I start explaining that I felt like my stitches had been extremely sore for the past few days and I felt like they had been ripped open some.

What do I get?? With his back turned to me, walking half way out the door… “Oh I’ll just take a look.”

So I stop explaining my issues and allow him to examine me. He decides to remove the stitches.

As I said, the stitches were extremely sore so even with pain meds, I am whining and complaining…

THEN he starts pulling really hard, trying to remove the stitches.


DOC: Just bear with me.


DOC: Almost done.


DOC: Uh-oh!

Sure enough! All that pulling and tugging had TORN MY STITCHES back open!! And now I may need to have stitches put back in. If only he had listened to me in the first place!! Needless to say, I’m pretty irritated and in pain!


Oh and for the icing on the cake – he tells me healing time is……wait for it…… ANOTHER 6 weeks!!!!! WHAT?!?! I was told healing time was 4-6 weeks total to begin with. Not 10-12 weeks!!!

On the bright side, due to my surgery I have been blogging less and actually started watching Desperate Housewives on Netflix. I’m on Season 5 now! Only 2 more to go before the new season starts!!


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