Things I Won't MissSome women are lucky enough to have great experiences during pregnancy! Some women say they have never felt better! I am definitely NOT one of those women! I am just a few weeks away from my due date and I can’t wait to be done with this pregnancy stuff and on to motherhood!

1. Back Pain – I love to hear the hubby complain about back pain. Try being 8 months pregnant with scoliosis!

2. Swollen Feet – Enough Said…

3. Sex – Unfortunately pregnancy gives you an amazing sex drive but makes it impossible for you to accomplish those urges!

4. Bathroom Breaks – I can’t even roll over during the night without getting up to pee. I think I’m up to 3-4 trips a night right now!

5. Being Fat – I can barely climb the stairs without being out of breath! And let me just say being fat during pregnancy isn’t bad, it’s the ‘after baby fat’ that’s the worst!

6. The Pregnancy Brain – If you’ve ever been pregnant, you know what I mean! It’s like living in a cloud. It is difficult to remember anything!

7. My Attitude – I have ZERO patients while pregnant! I want a donut and I want it NOW!! 🙂