Month: January 2012

Link up your giveaways below! After you’ve linked up yours, please take a moment to enter at least one other giveaway listed on the linky! *My Current Rafflecopter Giveaways* Win an Apple iPad2 or an Amazon Kindle Fire!! Easy Entry!! ENDS Feb 9th – Open to US/CAN Shout® Color Catcher® with Oxi – 2 WINNERS! […]

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SOOC Saturday is a weekly meme where people link up and share their photos Straight Out Of the Camera (SOOC). Whether you are a professional photographer, an amateur photographer, or just someone who likes taking pictures, I encourage you to link up! This is a super simple weekend meme that doesn’t take up much time! If […]

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Being a mother is a difficult job. Not know whether you’re doing it right and setting a good example all the time is HARD! Not everything that works for one mother, works for another. I feel like mothers are so judemental (me included) when we should be more loving and supportive of each other. It’s easy to dawg […]

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